James Clear's books, articles, and newsletter give us insights on how to become a functional adult human being. This leads into a life of purposeful work, enjoyable fun, and life-giving relationships.
No, it's not about "finding your passion"
A curation of links & resources from Cal Newport over the past 12 years.
To become a reader, you can't blindly follow everyone else's advice on how to do it. Reading is an intensely personal activity, one best enjoyed on its own terms.
Finishing a certain number of books in a year is a vanity metric for knowledge. So is the entrepreneur adage of “I only read business books/non-fiction.”
Freedom is merely a means to an end. That's the paradox of freedom and happiness.
10 lessons that made the 2020 dumpster fire worthwhile
Last newsletter of 2020
Superhuman email, product management, and motivation
Video games in the real world, the importance of friends, & the most actionable way to master the art of not giving a f*ck
... And an update on my decompression week
Plus, my honest thoughts on Airr for podcast note-taking